Saturday, June 04, 2005

Apple heart Intel Rumors

This particular bit of information is of great interest to me right now. Why? I'm on the verge of buying another Mac, and I was leaning toward that top-of-the-line PowerMac G5. Now, I know most were lackluster about the last round of updates, but I am still using an iBook at 500Mhz, so I was just waiting for another round before going whole-hog. What concerns me most is, I wanted to buy a machine for the next 3-4 years. My venerable iBook as surprised me at lasting 4 so far. If there is an architecture switch coming, then whatever I get, it isn't going to last much longer than 2 years. That certainly leaves me wanting to put less money into a current box. I already bought a external monitor, so I'll either be stuck with a Mac Mini (not a bad choice, but I have G5 lust) or a low-end PowerMac. Steve -- whatever happens with your relationship to IBM, please keep the sexy hardware coming!

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