Thursday, September 22, 2005

Water and the Grocery Store

So, can anyone explain mass panic to me? Gas stations are just packed, there isn't any bottled water (or bread) left at the grocery store, and people are just coming out of the store with toilet paper like crazy. WTF? We are in a staging area for evacuees, and yet it's like the storm is going to hit right here. The power will likely go out with the winds, but how long are people expecting it to go out? Update: In all fairness, I've met several people while out today that are hosting others from the coast, so I understand some of the activity out there. It has just gotten a bit out of hand, as several others I met are just caught up in the craze. I even found myself almost catching it. The local stores are well staffed. Apparently they've called in extra help. I talked with one cashier at a local wholesale store who was just happy to be there; he's getting paid overtime for all of this. I guess this is one way to drive up the economy.

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