Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Crisp November Morning

There's nothing like fall. The crisp, damp morning air makes each breath even more noticeable. Going for a short walk in this air reminds me what a blessing my life is.

As I walked in this early morning air, I enjoyed the right to go out to the polls and cast my ballot. This right is not taken lightly by me, and for all our country's problems, the solutions lie in our people. Today is just one step out of many, and we're allowed to make mistakes -- but they're our mistakes. This is where democracy starts.

Take this one step today, and go out and vote.


Alexis D. said...

just did! Nate was a hit at our polling location ;-)

Ray said...

We voted last week... absentee. All but two counties in WA are absentee only.

Gearing up for another tight/controversial gubernatorial election. Should be interesting.

Taking some additional steps... getting involved with our local Campaign for Liberty. I want more accountability of the party elites to the grassroots members.