Thursday, November 06, 2003

TV Execs Wouldn't Know Good Entertainment if it Hit Them in the Head

Argh. I just learned that "The Lyon's Den" has been canceled. Out of all the new shows this season, this is second on my list after "Joan of Arcadia". Why must they take away all the good shows and leave me with garbage such as "The Bachelor" and "Joe Millionaire"? I want quality though-provoking entertainment, not mindless drivel. Last season they took "Firefly", "John Doe", and "Fastlane" away from me. Then, after they already packed up "Firefly", the show was awarded a Hugo. Come on! Stick the damn shows on a Friday or Sunday night and of course they are going to get low ratings. What the hell are they thinking? Not every night can be rated as high as NBC's super Thursday. Having TiVo, I could care less what time things are on as long as they don't overlap. They really need to key into a new advertising scheme with TiVo to help boost revenue, if they need it. I don't have the time to watch live TV, and most people don't have that much time either. We need a new system. We need a system that can produce quality shows, and have them on at all times of the day. I can TiVo them whenever they are on -- just send me a TiVo ad to tell me what to record.

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