Thursday, November 10, 2005

Information Is Getting (To Me) Faster

I've found that the flow of new information is getting faster. Since I started using NetNewsWire, there has been a steady uptick in my ratio of information found versus time spent finding it. I used to spend a lot of time surfing the web looking at various news sites looking for interesting things. Now, well over a year after I started using NetNewsWire, it's all coming to me. Now, RSS alone hasn't accounted for all of this. This seems old-hat to many people out there, but we are still in the early-adopter part of the curve. I recently added feeds from digg to my subscription list, and it has only helped things out. For those who don't know, digg is like Slashdot on steriods. What the editors and moderators on Slashdot do that takes a day or more is done by the collective power of the users at in a few minutes. I often see information on a day or two before it makes it to Slashdot. Information flows faster. Does anyone remember the old television commercials from AT&T with the dog in the computer who would go fetch the news? It was an idea back then that never quite materialized. With the ability to do tag searches on news feeds, we are almost getting to the point where this is feasable. Perhaps it is already there in some people's minds, but I'm setting my standards a little bit higher. I just love the magic of technology. I'm anxious to see how Newsvine turns out.

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